CEO in residence

Our CEO in Residence program empowers entrepreneurs to source, acquire, and grow great West Michigan businesses

Residency Program

The Sleeping Giant Capital Residency program supports exceptional leaders for up to 24-months on their search to source, diligence, and become owner-operator of a small business in West Michigan. The Sleeping Giant team supports CIRs thorough sourcing, diligence, financing, and closing a company. We support up to four individuals at a time in the Residency program. 

Our candidates

Sleeping Giant Capital seeks candidates to the Residency program who are successful in closing an investment and operating a small business. We look for candidates with a broad business skill set, an entrepreneurial mindset, analytical and financial skills, demonstrated leadership, and ability to build relationships with multiple stakeholders. Successful candidates have significant professional experience and ideally operating experience. 

We assess our candidates through a rigorous selection process that includes multiple interviews, reference checks, and independent performance evaluations.


  • Most recently we have worked with individuals from 30-60 years old. All individuals have significant work experience and professional accomplishments that prepare them to be owner-operators.

  • The Residency program is a full-time. Research suggests that a search is most successful when you dedicate your full time and attention to acquiring a business.

  • Yes, Sleeping Giant Capital invests in CIR’s and offers six figure compensation that is competitive relative to market averages for ETA and search funds.

  • A residence with Sleeping Giant Capital lasts 18 months. Our past experience suggests acquisitions can be completed in as little as 11 months.

  • Once you complete the Acquire program, you are welcome to apply anytime to our residency program. Our CEOs in Residence in the past have waited anywhere from 2 months to 1 year before applying for a residency position.

  • Sleeping Giant Capital has an office located in Downtown Kalamazoo where you will receive a dedicated team including research interns to help you create the most successful search.

Learn more by listening to the episodes below from our podcast, The Jungle. Hear from Sleeping Giant Capital’s Co-Founders Derrick McIver and Doug Lepisto, and CEO’s-in-Residence Justin Murray and Tom Garrett.